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Our Mission

Our goal at Archetype Collective is to change the educational narrative for all students from multiple angles. By providing revolutionary resources and consulting services, we strive to carve out individual paths towards success based on personal academic goals while taking into consideration overall mental and social-emotional health. Furthermore, we believe in cultivating a supportive community consisting of families and educators through one-on-one and group sessions, professional developments, and innovative curriculum, tying together by the crucial idea that all students should be engaged and represented.


Inclusion starts and ends with all of us and while the future is full of uncertainty, we can ensure that each student is equipped with the necessary tools to create for themselves meaningful opportunities for growth and accomplishment. By doing this, we provide a voice to the voiceless and stand up for equality while learning more about ourselves and others.


WHy we do

what we do

At Archetype Collective, we love education profoundly and see it as one of the most foundational realities contributing to society as a whole. Additionally, wealso realized that, among other issues needing to be addressed, education, while vital to its role in society, is itself not an accurate or healthy reflection of that society. If education is meant to help propel the younger generation into a more successful and happy society, why are minority students, underprivileged students, LGBTQIA+ students, students with socio-emotional needs, students with disabilities, and all other students that don’t fall into the traditional mold not being represented accordingly? We feel that the best way to grow garden is to ensure that each individual plant is given it’s appropriate amount of water and pruning. Not all students are the same, so why do we teach them that way?


Archetype Collective was started as an attempt to offer and coordinate real and impactful educational initiatives. From one-on-one and small group family coaching and consulting, to student rights advocacy, to innovative and revolutionary curriculum design, we will be with you and your student every step of the way to ensure that they are receiving the highest quality of guidance while being pushed to their fullest potential.

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